An Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain, chiefly of England Vol. 1. By Jeremy Collier 

The Formularies Of Faith, Put Forth by Authority During the Reign of King Henry the VIII

Church History 

The Anglican Brief Against Roman Claims
The Succession of Bishops in England Unbroken; Or the Nag's Head being Refuted
Catholic Safeguards Against the Errors, Corruptions and Novelties of the Church of Rome. 
Vindication of Anglican Orders 
The Anglican Catechist
Bishops Blog
The Catholic Religion by Vernon Staley
Diocese of Holy Trinity and Great Plains
Early Church Fathers
Anglo Catholicism Relevant after 175 years
Daily Prayer Offices
Project Canterbury 
Cathedral Parish of St. James Anglican Church Kansas MO
 Holy Catholic Church Anglican Rite
The Real Presence and Spiritual of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. By Jeremy Taylor

​Corpus Christi Anglican Church

​             Rogers Arkansas

Koinonia. Publication of the HCCAR

Mary - The Secret Joy of Christians



The Commonitory of St. Vincent of Lerins. (Rule of St. Vincent)
Apostlical Succession, and the Necessity of Episcopal Ordination. 
As Held by the Primitive Church. By E.C. Harington

Doctrine and Theology 

The Church and the Sacramental System. By Francis J. Hall
The Sacraments. By Francis J. Hall
Bede's, The Ecclesiastical History of the English People
History of the Church in England
Anglican Sunday Lectionary
The Thirty-nine Articles, Their History and Explanation
By B.J. Kidd
Anglican Missal
1928 Book of Common Prayer 
Historically Speaking

Anglo-Catholic Library

The Passion and Exaltation of Christ. By Francis J. Hall
Anglo-Catholic Principles Vindicated 
The Layman's Introduction to the Book of Common Prayer
The Church Apostolic, Primitive, And Anglican. A Series of Sermons.
Apology of the Church of England, by Bishop John Jewell
A History of the Convocation of the Church of England From the Earliest period to 1742

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